Interacting with other languages
There is only a version of Grumps for Julia. However, you can call other languages from Julia using one of the PyCall
, PythonCall
, or RCall
packages. You can load Stata files via the StatFiles
package. To call C or Fortran code, see the Julia documentation. For those using other software like Gauss and Matlab, consider writing results to disk and then reading them in the software you use.
The code below provides an example in which the output is printed in Julia, Python, and R, respectively.
using Grumps, PyCall, RCall
function compute_stuff( meth )
s = Sources(
consumers = "example_consumers.csv",
products = "example_products.csv",
marketsizes = "example_marketsizes.csv",
draws = "example_draws.csv"
v = Variables(
"choice = income * constant + income * ibu + age * ibu + rc * ibu + rc * abv",
"share = constant + ibu + abv / constant, ibu, abv, IVgh_ibu, IVgh_abv";
outsidegood = "product 11"
e = Estimator( meth )
d = Data( e, s, v )
return grumps!( e, d )
def print_my_stuff_in_python(x):
print( "Python: ", x )
print_my_stuff_in_R <- function(x) cat( "R: ", x, "\n" )
function myprogram( )
sol = compute_stuff( :cheap )
θcoef = getθcoef( sol )
println( "Julia: $θcoef \n" )