Extending Grumps

Grumps can be extended in multiple ways. Below three possibilities are discussed, namely using an existing estimator for a different data format, introducing a new estimator, and introducing a new integrator.

Examining output at each iteration

On each iteration of both the inner and outer optimization steps, Grumps calls a callback function. By default the callback for the inner optimization does nothing and the callback for the outer optimization prints a summary of progress. Users can add to this by defining their own callback functions named δcallback and θcallback respectively. These are called before Grumps continues with its own callback routine.

To do this, one has to pass an id to OptimizationOptions() and define a callback that is specifically for this id. The id should be a symbol, i.e. a word preceded by a colon. For instance, one can specify id = :myid and define the callback

    function Grumps.θcallback( ::Val{ :myid }, statevec, e, d, o, oldx, repeatx, solution ) 

        println( "hi" )

Then include o = OptimizationOptions(; id = :myid ) (possibly with other options) in the program and pass o as an argument to grumps!.

This will print "hi" on every $θ$ iteration. The first argument of Grumps.θcallback specifies which id this callback refers to (in case there is more than one), statevec is the state vector of the Optim package (see the documentation of that package for details), oldx is the $θ$-vector value of the previous iteration, and repeatx is a single element vector that indicates how often the same value of the parameter vector has been repeated. Messing with the values of the arguments is not recommended. The Grumps.δcallback function has the same syntax but lacks the solution argument.

If the id variable is set but no user callbacks are defined then Grumps will only execute the default callbacks.

Do not overuse Grumps.δcallback

If one has many markets then the δ callback is called a lot. Be prepared for a lot of output. The θ callback is not called nearly as often.

User-specified interactions

The format of Grumps is limited to specifications that are linear in parameters. This cannot be altered.

The standard way that data are entered moreover presumes that there are only interactions of demographics and product level variables, interactions of random coefficients and product level variables, product level regressors (where product level regressors can include a constant), a quality variable $\xi$, and an error term $\epsilon$. This can be changed. There are three ways of accomplishing this, which are described below in increasing order of complexity.

Try the simplest version first

The other versions have advantages but are more hassle.

Simplest version

In the simplest version, one defines a callback function called InteractionsCallback of the form described below. The matrix $z$ contains the consumer interactions and the matrix $x$ the products; in both cases, the second argument is the regressor indicator. The function InteractionsCallback should return the value of the $t$-th interaction term for consumer $i$ and product $j$. The default value is z[i,t] * x[j,t], i.e. product interactions. So if one returned exp( z[i,t] + x[j,t] ) if $t = 1$ then that would replace the default first interaction term.

    function InteractionsCallback( z, x, i, j, t, micmac, market, products ) 
        if t > 1 
            return z[ i, t ] * x[ j, t ]
        return exp( z[ i, t ] + x[ j, t ] )

The micmac argument indicates whether the callback is called for the interactions in the micro portion (:micro) or the macro portion (:macro) of the likelihood. By default, Grumps creates micro interactions only at the very beginning and macro interactions only during optimization. The market argument passes the name of the market and products a vector with product names in the order in which they are passed, albeit that the products list is only passed if micmac = :micro. These are mostly useful if one wishes to incorporate some external data.

In the example below, the list of products is stored in the Dict in productlist[1] during the :micro phase, which can then be used during subsequent calls. This can be helpful to identify which product is product j. A downside of the simplest approach in this case is that it creates overhead, which can be avoided if one uses the bang version, described below.

    const productlist = [ Dict{String,Vector{String}}() ]

    function InteractionsCallback( z, x, i, j, t, micmac, market, products ) 
        if micmac == :micro 
            if !haskey( productlist[1], market )
                productlist[1][ market ] = vcat( products, "outside good" )
        print( "do something with product " )
        printstyled(  productlist[1][ market ][j] ; color = :yellow )
        print( " in the market called ")
        printstyled( market; color = :blue )
        print(  " using ")
        printstyled( micmac ; color = micmac == :micro ? :green : :red )
        println( " data" )
        return z[i,t] * x[j,t]

Bang version

With the bang version, one creates two callback methods, one for the micro interactions and one for the macro interactions. The difference with the simple version above is that here the user fills an entire array instead of returning a single value.

Two simple examples that achieve the same thing as if the user-defined interaction callbacks were omitted are shown below. Remember that the list of product names is only passed in the :micro calls, which is the first callback.

Note that in the first callback, the last element is omitted for the simple reason that there are no data on the outside good (always the last element) in x during the :micro call.

    function InteractionsCallback!( A, z, x, micmac, market, products )  # micro
        for i ∈ axes( A, 1 ), j ∈ 1:size( A, 2 ) - 1, t ∈ axes( A, 3 )
            A[i,j,t] = z[i,t] * x[j,t]
        return nothing

function InteractionsCallback!( A, z, x, θ, micmac, market, products )   # macro
    A .= zero( eltype( A ) )
    for j ∈ axes( A, 2 )
       Threads.@threads :dynamic for i ∈ axes( A, 1 ), 
        for t ∈ axes( z, 2 )
            A[i,j] += z[i,t] * x[j,t] * θ[t]

    return nothing

The main advantage of the bang version is that each method is only called once for each market (for each iteration), not thousands of times. This reduces overhead when the product identities are used in the construction of interaction terms.

Most flexible version

The most flexible version is also the hardest, so avoid this approach unless the above two approaches are inadequate.

Pretty much all methods that Grumps uses to create data take an input parameter named id. This corresponds to the id set in DataOptions(), which is :Grumps by default. This id can be set to any other symbol. For instance, if one set id to :myid then one could add any of the methods taking an id in any of the Julia code files in src/common/data with one's own version. For instance, the following method is defined in micro.jl:

    function CreateInteractions( id ::Any, dfc:: AbstractDataFrame, dfp:: AbstractDataFrame, v :: Variables, T = F64 )
        MustBeInDF( v.interactions[:,1], dfc, "consumer data frame" )
        MustBeInDF( v.interactions[:,2], dfp, "product data frame" )

        S = nrow( dfc )
        J = nrow( dfp ) + 1
        dθz = size( v.interactions, 1 )
        Z = zeros( T, S, J, dθz )
        for t ∈ 1:dθz, j ∈ 1:J-1, i ∈ 1:S
            Z[i,j,t] = dfc[i, v.interactions[t,1] ] * dfp[j, v.interactions[t,2] ]
        return Z

If one now defines a new method in one's own code with

    function Grumps.CreateInteractions( ::Val{ :myid }, dfc, dfp, v, T )
    return Z

then Grumps will call the newly minted method instead of the default one. But note that one would also need to adjust the corresponding macro integration part for estimators that use both micro and macro likelihoods. For any functions for which no user-defined methods corresponding to the given id are defined, the default method is called.

hogs and ants

By default, Grumps saves on storage by storing macro draws and regressors separately (:Ant mode for macro). If one wanted a regressor that could not be expressed as e.g. the product of a demographic variable and a product variable, then the functions FillAθ! and FillZXθ! in src/common/probs/index.jl may need to have new methods added, also, if one wants to continue using :Ant mode. An alternative for small problems is to switch to :Hog mode for the macro likelihood (the micro likelihood uses :Hog mode by default).

two ids

There is one id for data creation passed in DataOptions() and one id for the optimization process passed in OptimizationOptions(). These ids can be different, but in most instances it is better to set these to the same value. Note that the id used in FillAθ! and FillZXθ! is the optimization process id, not the data storage id.

Adding a new estimator

Estimator definitions

A new estimator can be added by creating a new folder in the estimators folder. By creating the folder, Grumps will automatically try to load an eponymous Julia file in that folder every time Grumps is run. For instance, in src/estimators/cler you see a file cler.jl, which loads all Julia files in the folder other than description.jl. The file description.jl is loaded separately and automatically.

The symbol used for the new estimator will correspond to the folder name. For instance, if the folder name is foo then the new estimator symbol will be :foo.

The file description.jl should contain exactly two functions: name and Description. It suffices to copy the description.jl file from another estimators folder and changing the particulars for your estimator.

For instance, the cler folder contains the file description.jl with contents

name( ::Val{:cler} ) = "Conformant Likelihood with Exogeneity Restrictions"

function Description( e :: Symbol, v ::Val{ :cler } )
    @ensure e == :cler "oops!"
    return EstimatorDescription( e, name( Val( :cler ) ), 
      [ "grumps", "pmle", "grumps penalized mle", "penalized likelihood", "grumps penalized maximum likelihood", "pml", "penmaxlik", "grumps pml", "cler", "full cler" ]

All you need to do here is to change all the :cler entries to :foo, to change the return value of name to "Foo Estimator" and the array of strings in the return value of Description to a list of descriptors of your estimation method that define it clearly and set it apart from other estimators. Make sure that none of the descriptors are used by other estimators.

In a file loaded by foo.jl, preferably types.jl, one should define some properties of the estimators. In addition, there is a type associated with your estimator. For instance, the file types.jl in the cler folder contains

struct GrumpsCLEREstimator <: GrumpsPenalized
    function GrumpsCLEREstimator() 

name( ::GrumpsCLEREstimator ) = name( Val( :cler ) )

inisout( ::GrumpsCLEREstimator ) = true

Estimator( ::Val{ :cler } ) = GrumpsCLEREstimator()

The estimator type GrumpsCLEREstimator is used to allow Grumps to use the same function name with the estimator type to call different methods. Note that GrumpsCLEREstimator is a subtype of GrumpsPenalized, which is done to allow for a single function call with different estimator type argument to select a method for all estimators that are subtypes of GrumpsPenalized.

For example, if one calls a function with an estimator type (and other arguments) then there is a default method that will be called unless there is a method defined for the desired supertype (e.g. GrumpsPenalized), which will be called unless there is a method defined for the exact estimator type (e.g. GrumpsCLEREstimator).

For instance, the outer objective functions are all called ObjectiveFunctionθ! but which one is used depends on the estimator supertype. For GrumpsPenalized it is the one in src/common/optim/objpml.jl. Note that you can define different objective functions depending on e.g. the GrumpsData type that is passed, also.

For the new estimator :foo the name and Estimator methods in the above file can be changed by replacing :cler with :foo and CLER with Foo everywhere, assuming that the new estimator type is GrumpsFooEstimator.

The final entry in types.jl is the line inisout( ::GrumpsCLEREstimator ) = true What this line does is to tell Grumps that the value of the likelihood component of the objective function in the inner optimization problem is the same as that in the outer optimization problem. This is true for most estimators, but not for e.g. the share constraint estimator. There are a number of properties like this (type Estimators(true) in the REPL to see them all), whose default values are in src/common/types/est.jl.

Now, the :mdle (the Grumps estimator with exact identification in the product level moments) and :shareconstraint (ditto, but where the inner optimization runs maximizes only the macro likelihood) computations differ only in the contents of the theta.jl and delta.jl files. In this case, the theta.jl files produce the single market outer objective function contributions and its first two derivatives and delta.j does ditto for the inner objective functions.

Data types

There are several predefined Data types, which can be found in src/common/types/data.jl. For instance, GrumpsData contains a vector of GrumpsMarketData objects (one for each market), a GrumpsPLMData object, and some other things. GrumpsPLMData is for the penalty term.

Each GrumpsMarketData object contains a GrumpsMicroData object and a GrumpsMacroData object, one for the micro portion of the likelihood, and one for the macro portion of the likelihood. These are themselves supertypes, so you can use/require whichever subtype you desire for your estimator, but if one of the existing ones suffices then use that.

FGH types

FGH types contain the objective function and its derivatives. These can be by market or apply to (or contain results for) a number of markets. If inisout returns true then the inner and outer objective FGH objects are physically the same.

Space types

Grumps preallocates space for choice probabilities and related objects and reuses their values where possible. This saves computation time. In most instances, the space types provided will suffice.

Adding an integrator

The default integrators used by Grumps (see DefaultMicroIntegrator( ::Int, ::Type ) and DefaultMacroIntegrator( ::Int, ::Type )) are limited in their functionality. It is possible to define a new integrator.

Adding integrators is untested

Proceed with caution, ask for help if stuck.

The way to accomplish this is to create a new folder in src/integrators and create a Julia file with the same name in that folder. For instance, the folder could be called myintegrator and the file in that folder myintegrator.jl.

There are two types of integrators. The example below will be for a micro integrator: the procedure for adding a macro integrator is similar.

Consider the definition of the DefaultMicroIntegrator in src/common/types/nodesweights.jl:

    struct DefaultMicroIntegrator{T<:Flt} <: MicroIntegrator{T}   
        n   :: Int

This defines a MicroIntegrator called DefaultMicroIntegrator that uses a single integer-valued parameter n and can handle arbitrary floating point numbers (Flt is shorthand for AbstractFloat). We need to define a constructor for that, which is defined in the same file, namely:

function DefaultMicroIntegrator( n :: Int, T = F64; options = nothing )
    @ensure n > 0  "n must be positive"
    DefaultMicroIntegrator{T}( n )

This is how one creates a variable of type DefaultMicroIntegrator. This constructor requires n to be specified, takes Float64 as the default floating point type, and does not use any further options. The options argument is there in case one wants to define additional inputs to the integrator.

For every integrator, one should define two methods: NodesWeightsGlobal and NodesWeightsOneMarket. For the DefaultMicroIntegrator the method NodesWeightsGlobal is lengthy and its contents below are omitted. Its NodesWeightsOneMarket method is very short and it is displayed in its entirety. The full method definitions can be found in src/common/integration/micro.jl.

function NodesWeightsGlobal( ms :: DefaultMicroIntegrator{T}, d :: Int,  rng :: AbstractRNG ) where {T<:Flt}
    ( lengthy content omitted )
  return GrumpsNodesWeights{T}(n, w)

function NodesWeightsOneMarket( ms :: DefaultMicroIntegrator{T}, d :: Int, rng :: AbstractRNG, nwgmic :: GrumpsNodesWeights{T}, S :: Int ) where {T<:Flt}
   return nwgmic

The reason that there is both a global method and a method for a single market is that for some integrators (like DefaultMicroIntegrator) the nodes and weights are the same for each market so only have to be generated once in NodesWeightsGlobal and can then simply be reused for every market. This is why NodesWeightsOneMarket for DefaultMicroIntegrator simply returns its nwgmic argument: those are simply the nodes and weights generated in NodesWeightsGlobal.

For the DefaultMacroIntegrator the converse is true: NodesWeightsGlobal does nothing and NodesWeightsOneMarket does all the work. These methods can be found in src/common/integration/macro.jl, where it should be noted that the prototypes for macro integrators differ from those for micro integrators.