Example program
Below is a documented example program. You can find a closely related example program in the extras/example
using Grumps
function myprogram( nodes, draws, meth )
# set which files contain the data to be used
s = Sources(
consumers = "example_consumers.csv",
products = "example_products.csv",
marketsizes = "example_marketsizes.csv",
draws = "example_draws.csv"
# set the specification to be used
v = Variables(
# these are the z_{im} * x_{jm} terms in the paper
interactions = [
:income :constant;
:income :ibu;
:age :ibu
# these are the x_{jm} * ν terms in the paper
randomcoefficients = [:ibu; :abv],
# these are the x_{jm} terms in the paper
regressors = [ :constant; :ibu; :abv ],
# these are the b_{jm} terms in the paper
instruments = [ :constant; :ibu; :abv; :IVgh_ibu; :IVgh_abv ],
# these are not needed for the estimators in the paper, just for GMM
microinstruments = [
:income :constant;
:income :ibu;
:age :ibu
# this is the label used for the outside good
outsidegood = "product 11"
# these are the data storage options; since these are the defaults,
# this can be omitted
# dop = DataOptions( ;micromode = :Hog, macromode = :Ant, balance = :micro )
# these are the defaults so this line can be omitted, albeit that the default
# number of nodes may not be optimal
# ms = DefaultMicroIntegrator( nodes )
# these are the defaults so this line can be omitted, albeit that the default
# number of draws may not be optimal
# Ms = DefaultMacroIntegrator( draws )
# creates an estimator object
e = Estimator( meth )
# this puts the data into a form Grumps can process
d = Data( e, s, v )
# there are longhand forms if you wish to set additional parameters
# d = Data( e, s, v, ms, Ms; replicable = true )
# no need to set this unless you wish to save memory (see memsave),
# will not exceed number of threads Julia is started with
# th = Grumps.GrumpsThreads( ; markets = 32 )
# redundant unless you wish to save memory
# o = Grumps.OptimizationOptions(; memsave = true, threads = th )
# redundant unless you don't need standard errors on all coefficients
# seo = StandardErrorOptions(; δ = false )
# compute estimates using automatic starting values
sol = grumps!( e, d )
# long version to set more options
# sol = grumps!( e, d, o, nothing, seo )
return sol
for nodes ∈ [ 11 ] # , 17, 25]
for draws ∈ [ 10_000 ] # , 100_000 ]
# other descriptive strings are allowed, as are the exact symbols
for meth ∈ [ "cler", "mdle", "grumps share constraints", "mixed logit", "gmm" ]
@info "$nodes $draws $meth"
sol = myprogram( nodes, draws, meth )
println( getθcoef( sol ), "\n" )
println( sol, "\n" )